Leica M9
Random M9 Shots.... Abbeville locals
I had the chance to take off the afternoon this past week and shoot a little in Abbeville, LA. Everyone was extremely friendly and we had a blast... From a biker with a record shop, some local wrestlers, and just an 92 year old nice man. Such a diverse group of characters. Here are a few... Blessings. Jason
Leica M9| 24mm Summilux
Leica M9| 24mm Summilux
Leica M9| 24mm Summilux
Leica M9| 24mm Summilux
Norway Wedding...
Hilde & Harald had a beautiful wedding just north of Oslo, Norway. I shot the entire wedding with just my Leica, so I thought it would be interesting to post the entire wedding in b&w (other than the first time).
Thanks so much to Riccis Valladares for having me, and the couple and their family for being so welcoming to us. It was an amazing trip.
Blessings. Jason
Leica M9 | 24mm Summilux
Beginning of the 10mi cross country ski to the wedding...
Leica M9 | 50mm Summilux
After skiing 10mi
Leica M9 | 24mm Summilux
Leica M9 | 35mm Summicron
Leica M9 | 50mm .95 Noctilux
Leica M9 | 50mm .95 Noctilux
Leica M9 | 90mm Summicron
Leica M9 | 24mm Summilux
Leica M9 | 24mm Summilux
Leica M9 | 24mm Summilux
Leica M9 | 24mm Summilux
The bride & grooms son...
Leica M9 | 50mm Summilux
Leica M9 | 50mm Summilux
Leica M9 | 50mm Summilux
Leica M9 | 50mm Summilux
Leica M9 | 50mm Summilux
Leica M9 | 50mm Summilux
Leica M9 | 90mm Summicron
Beautiful speech (even though I didn't understand :)
Leica M9 | 50mm Summilux
Leica M9 | 50mm Summilux
Leica M9 | 50mm .95 Noctilux
Leica M9 | 90mm Summicron
Leica M9 | 50mm Summilux
Leica M9 | 21mm Summilux
Leica M9 | 21mm Summilux
Leica M9 | 21mm Summilux
Leica M9 | 21mm Summilux
Leica M9 | 21mm Summilux
Leica M9 | 21mm Summilux
Leica M9 | 21mm Summilux
Leica M9 | 21mm Summilux
Oslo - Part One
Just a few from our first day in Oslo, Norway. Such a beautiful country.... Blesings. Jason
Leica M9 | 50mm .95 Noctilux
Leica M9 | 50mm .95 Noctilux
Leica M9 | 50mm .95 Noctilux
Leica M9 | 50mm .95 Noctilux
Just a few from our day in London. It was such a beautiful city and I only wish that I would have done more shooting than looking :) Blessings.
Leica M9 | 24mm Summilux
Leica M9 | 24mm Summilux
Leica M9 | 50mm .95 Noctilux
Leica M9 | 50mm .95 Noctilux
Day 30 - Creative Shoot
I had the opportunity to schedule a shoot while my good friend Ben Spell was in over the Christmas break. I had been wanting to do something like this for a while, and everything ended up falling into place for this one... Our real hope was just to take the time to set up things and not rush from one shot to the other... Special thanks to Keri & Tory for coming out and modeling for us. Here are just a few of my favorites. Blessings. Jason
Leica M9 | 50mm Summilux
Leica M9 | 24mm Summilux
Leica M9 | 24mm Summilux
Leica M9 | 24mm Summilux
Leica M9 | 50mm Summilux
Leica M9 | 50mm Summilux
Day 28 - Scott
My good friend, and fellow photographer, Scott Simon came in from New Orleans to hang out with me for the day and it really was great being able to spend the time with him. He keeps up a great blog iHeartnola which gives some great insight into New Orleans food, music, culture, and more. If you are looking for good local insider info for New Orleans it is a great website to check out.... As Scott was about to leave for the day I realized how important, and at times lost, the portrait is. Scott was generous enough to sit for me for a portrait and here are 3 frames from that.... I shot a couple with the Hasselblad, but those have to come after I process the film :)
Blessings. Jason
Leica M9 | 50mm Summilux
Leica M9 | 50mm Summilux
Leica M9 | 50mm Summilux
Day 27 - Abandoned
Some ivy growing on a builing that has been abondoned that is absolutely beautiful.... Blessings. Jason
Leica M9 | 24mm Sumilux
Day 26 - 9th Ward Revisited
This was also shot in the 9th ward in New Orleans in an area where Hurricane Katrina had done some of the most damage in 2005. It was amazing to me to see the contrast of life in the area where this lady was compared to where the gentleman who I posted a couple days ago (Day 12). Blessings Jason.
Leica M9 | 24mm Summilux
Day 25 - Bacardi
Shot in downtown Lafayette while walking around one day. Blessings. Jason
Leica M9 | 24mm Summilux
Day 24 - Pups
A couple of my "children"... It is just missing the big one :) Blessings. Jason
Leica M9 | 24mm Summilux
Day 23 - Range Safety Officer
I with that I could remember this guys name because he really was such a nice guy (I asked for the serious pose)... He was kind enough to let me take his portrait after doing some shooting at the range. Blessings. Jason
Leica M9 | 24mm Summilux
Day 22 - Safety
I just loved this moment... Although I am not a parent, this is what I envision when people always say, "having a child is the hardest thing in the world but it is so worth it." Blessings. Jason
Leica M9 | 24 Summilux
Day 21 - Snow + Sled = Fun
One of the biggest things that Jen (my wife) was looking forward to more than anything was sledding. It was so cold that after I got off a couple shots I ran into the van and turned up the heat :) I guess I am just really not made for the cold... Blessings. Jason
Leica M9 | 24 Summilux
Leica M9 | 24 Summilux
Leica M9 | 24 Summilux
Leica M9 | 24 Summilux
Leica M9 | 24 Summilux
Leica M9 | 24 Summilux
Leica M9 | 24 Summilux
Day 17 - America
Interesting sign in Central Louisiana...
Leica M9 | 24mm Summilux
Day 16 - Peach Orchard
In Ruston, Louisiana. I think this was right before the cop questioned Jamie & I :) Blessings. Jason
Leica M9 | 24mm Summilux
Day 14 - Leaves
In North Louisiana by the side of the road while traveling last month... Blessings. Jason
Leica M9 | 24mm Summilux
Day 13 - Guitars
A couple that I have shot in the last couple months... Blessings. Jason
Leica M9 | 24mm Summilux
Leica M9 | 24mm Summilux
Day 12 - 9th Ward
A couple shots of this gentleman in what used to be his house which was all but destroyed by hurricane Katrina. Blessings. Jason
Leica M9 | 24mm Summilux
Leica M9 | 24mm Summilux
Day 11 - Roadside farmer
I think I may have told him I wanted a picture of his hat :) Blessings. Jason
Leica M9 | 50mm Summilux