Been wanting to do this for a while... Blessings. Jason
Been wanting to do this for a while... Blessings. Jason
One camera. One lens. Blessings. Jason
An image that I shot of a couple girls hanging out on the street in New Orleans
My good friend and extremely talented wedding planner, Valerie Metrejean, of Southern Fete has a workshop coming up for brides. If you are a bride who is not planning to hire a planner for your wedding, but just need some help along the way, this is definitely for you. I know that Val will be going over everything from budget, planning timeline, vendor referrals, wedding day timeline, and a ton of other great information.
Below is a link to more information on the workshop and I know that just spending a couple hours with Val will save you more than the cost of the workshop.
Blessings. Jason
I had the chance to shoot a little video on a band shoot with my good friend Beebe Tran a while back and wanted to share. Jamie Orillion and I helped a bit on the shoot (more Jamie since I was shooting video) as well as Beebe's assistant Eric Bordelon. The shoot was at The Grand Opera House of the South in Crowley, LA which is an amazing location if you are looking for a place to have a wedding :) Blessings. Jason
I had the chance to hang out with these guys as a gift for their 30 year anniversary from one of their kids. We had a great time shooting in River Rance and I am just hoping that I look this good in another 25 years of marriage :) Blessings. Jason
I had a chance to shoot these guys a while back and just wanted to post a few. I was shooting with CF Weddings for a personal shoot and asked these guys to do some modeling for the shoot. They were fantastic to work with and here are just a few of my favorites... Blessings. Jason
A few of my favorites from their session... Blessings. Jason
Just wanted to post a quick shot as a preview for a blog post that will be up later this week.... Myself and my new best friend Sister Pasquina..
Thanks to Jamie Orillion for shooting this for me
Blessings. Jason
I had the chance to take off the afternoon this past week and shoot a little in Abbeville, LA. Everyone was extremely friendly and we had a blast... From a biker with a record shop, some local wrestlers, and just an 92 year old nice man. Such a diverse group of characters. Here are a few... Blessings. Jason
Leica M9| 24mm Summilux
Leica M9| 24mm Summilux
Leica M9| 24mm Summilux
Leica M9| 24mm Summilux
I just wanted to share some info for an upcoming fund raising shoot that I am involved with this coming Saturday. We are doing a fundraiser for ARF-LA which rescues stray, abandoned, & surrendered pet and finds loving homes for them. I have two rescued dogs of my own so this is something that is near and dear to my heart... Please bring your pet out on Saturday and make a small donation to this great cause!
I am attaching the poster/info below and please feel free to email me if you have any questions. I hope that we have a ton of people come out to support this great cause!
You can visit their website and Facebook page for more information.
Blessings. Jason
Special thanks to my good friend Jamie Orillion for doing an amazing job designing the poster for us. You can view more of his work here.
I had the opportunity to schedule a shoot while my good friend Ben Spell was in over the Christmas break. I had been wanting to do something like this for a while, and everything ended up falling into place for this one... Our real hope was just to take the time to set up things and not rush from one shot to the other... Special thanks to Keri & Tory for coming out and modeling for us. Here are just a few of my favorites. Blessings. Jason
Leica M9 | 50mm Summilux
Leica M9 | 24mm Summilux
Leica M9 | 24mm Summilux
Leica M9 | 24mm Summilux
Leica M9 | 50mm Summilux
Leica M9 | 50mm Summilux
My good friend, and fellow photographer, Scott Simon came in from New Orleans to hang out with me for the day and it really was great being able to spend the time with him. He keeps up a great blog iHeartnola which gives some great insight into New Orleans food, music, culture, and more. If you are looking for good local insider info for New Orleans it is a great website to check out.... As Scott was about to leave for the day I realized how important, and at times lost, the portrait is. Scott was generous enough to sit for me for a portrait and here are 3 frames from that.... I shot a couple with the Hasselblad, but those have to come after I process the film :)
Blessings. Jason
Leica M9 | 50mm Summilux
Leica M9 | 50mm Summilux
Leica M9 | 50mm Summilux
Yesterday morning I put up a couple post on Facebook & Twitter about having a bit of a fundraiser opportunity at the office to raise money and awareness for Haiti relief funds. The deal was that you would come by for an espresso drink (Mocha/Latte'/Cappuccino) and donate "tips" to goto Haiti... All I can say is that I have the most amazing people around me because yesterday we were able to raise over $300 that will be going to Haiti!!! I made the decision to extend this until today and I will be in the office from 10-3 service coffee (the best espresso around I might add :) and feel free to come by when you are free... My office is at 2504 Johnston St. and I hope to see a whole bunch of people come out... I would love to double what we were able to raise yesterday!
Oh and I also took a pics of those who came and I just wanted to share them...
This is a week that I have been looking forward to for a while... Just myself, a passenger (my good friend Jamie), my Leica (camera), and the open road... We are taking the week to just do some creative shooting before the year is up and to come away refreshed for the new year. We we will be traveling throughout Louisiana for the week and I will do my best to do a couple updates throughout the week here on my blog. The best way to get in touch with me is by email if you need anything. I hope that everyone has a fantastic week... Here is an image that I shot with my Leica last week....
Blessings. Jason
Leica M9 | 50mm Summilux
A couple more from N. CA Blessings. Jason
My favorite shot of the trip so far....
Leica M8 | 15mm CV
Leica M8 | 15mm CV
Leica M8 | 24mm Summilux
Leica M8 | 15mm CV
Leica M8 | 15mm CV
Guess who ;)
Leica M8 | 15mm CV
I had the opportunity to photograph Benjamin at just two weeks old and we got some beautiful images. I just wanted to share a few. Congrats to Genevieve, Clint, Sam, & Max for their newest addition! Blessings. Jason
I just wanted to put up a couple more images from my trip. It was really great to get a break and I feel so refreshed coming into this weekends weddings (even with the lack of sleep from last night's late night critique). Who needs more than 45 minutes of sleep after all? Blessings. Jason
Leica M8 | 24mm Summilux
Jamie actually shot this one with my camera... This is right after the death match between Jason Domingues and myself in racquetball. You can just guess who won :)
Leica M8 | 15mm CV
Leica M8 | 24mm Summilux
Leica M8 | 15mm CV
Leica M8 | 24mm Summilux
Leica M8 | 24mm Summilux
Leica M8 | 24mm Summilux
Leica M8 | 24mm Summilux
Leica M8 | 24mm Summilux
Leica M8 | 15mm CV
Leica M8 | 15mm CV
Leica M8 | 24mm Summilux
Leica M8 | 15mm CV
We were waiting in the airport on the way home and they had a fallen soldier who had come in on the flight. It was an extremely somber moment in what is usually the hustle and bustle of the airport.
Leica M8 | 15mm CV
Almost home...
Leica M8 | 15mm CV
I am spending a couple days this week visiting my good friend Jason Domingues with Jamie for a much needed break and some R&R. The plan is to shoot a bunch and drink a lot of great coffee :) I am hoping to post a couple images once a day or every other day so make sure to come back for updates. Have a great week! Blessings. Jason
Leica M8 | CV 15mm
Leica M8 | 24mm Summilux
Leica M8 | 24mm Summilux
Leica M8 | 24mm Summilux
Leica M8 | 24mm Summilux
Leica M8 | 24mm Summilux
Leica M8 | 24mm Summilux
Leica M8 | 24mm Summilux
I am going to really make an effort to starting getting my butt out shooting more and also posting more weekly personal work :) Here are just a few from the last 2 weeks... Blessings. Jason
This week I had the opportunity to spend some time with my good friend Ben Spell, who was in from photography school in Massachusetts, shooting some for Parish to Parish and other personal work. On our way out to Parks, LA we passed by a house that caught my eye and I knew that we had to stop in. Mr. Babineaux gladly allowed us to photograph him and his house and shared a bit of his life with us in the process. Right now I am entering the craziest time for me in the year and it was so refreshing to slow down, take out my camera, and spend some time with a stranger. I need to do that more often. Below are just a couple images that were my favorites.
Blessings. Jason
Leica M8 | 35mm Summilux
Leica M8 | 35mm Summilux
Leica M8 | 35mm Summilux
Leica M8 | 15mm CV
Leica M8 | 15mm CV
Leica M8 | 15mm CV
Leica M8 | 35mm Summilux
Leica M8 | 35mm Summilux