Just a few of my favorites from our session last week. Such a beautiful couple and looking forward to their wedding next year. Blessings. Jason
Just a few of my favorites from our session last week. Such a beautiful couple and looking forward to their wedding next year. Blessings. Jason
Always great to spend some time with these guys and see them grow up. Seems like yesterday I met them while Genevieve was pregnant with their oldest. Blessings. Jason
4 kids later and still in love...
Had a chance to spend a few minutes with one of my favorite families and just wanted to share. Blessings. Jason
Had a chance to spend an afternoon with these guys and wanted to share a few of my favorites... Such a beautiful day and wonderful family. Blessings. Jason
Alicia is a friend as well as a fellow photographer... Always an honor for other photographers to trust me with photographing their family.... Had the chance to spend some time with them out in Bogalusa. It was a beautiful day with such a beautiful family.
Blessings. Jason
The title says it all :) Blessings. Jason
I had the chance to spend some time with my good friends Corine & Beebe of Studio Tran this week. It seems like only yesterday she was pregnant with Ethan and now they are expecting their third. I can't wait to meet and photograph their baby girl. Blessings. Jason
I had a chance to shoot these guys a while back and just wanted to post a few. I was shooting with CF Weddings for a personal shoot and asked these guys to do some modeling for the shoot. They were fantastic to work with and here are just a few of my favorites... Blessings. Jason
I got the chance to hang out with these guys a little and wanted to share a few. It is so crazy to think that I have been photographing their family since Sam was this young.... Blessings. Jason
A few of my favorites from their session... Blessings. Jason
As promised some more images from my recent shoot with my good friends... Blessings. Jason
I had the chance to take off the afternoon this past week and shoot a little in Abbeville, LA. Everyone was extremely friendly and we had a blast... From a biker with a record shop, some local wrestlers, and just an 92 year old nice man. Such a diverse group of characters. Here are a few... Blessings. Jason
Leica M9| 24mm Summilux
Leica M9| 24mm Summilux
Leica M9| 24mm Summilux
Leica M9| 24mm Summilux
I had the chance for a quick shoot with baby Benjamin and wanted to just share a few. It seems like only yesterday that his brothers were this size and it is crazy how fast time flies. Blessings. Jason
My favorite one from the day....
Sam... Nerf sword ninja...
Max.... Its such a hard time being a kid :) (this was right after he let out a loud sigh)
I was so honored to be able to photograph Kristen, Bryan, & Evie a couple weeks ago. They have been great friends and recently moved from Lafayette to San Antonio and it was great to catch up with them while they were in town. It is so crazy to see how big Evie has gotten in what seems to be no time at all (see link below). Here are just a few of my favorites...
Blessings. Jason
The 4th member of the family Beau
I just loved this moment... Although I am not a parent, this is what I envision when people always say, "having a child is the hardest thing in the world but it is so worth it." Blessings. Jason
Leica M9 | 24 Summilux
One of the biggest things that Jen (my wife) was looking forward to more than anything was sledding. It was so cold that after I got off a couple shots I ran into the van and turned up the heat :) I guess I am just really not made for the cold... Blessings. Jason
Leica M9 | 24 Summilux
Leica M9 | 24 Summilux
Leica M9 | 24 Summilux
Leica M9 | 24 Summilux
Leica M9 | 24 Summilux
Leica M9 | 24 Summilux
Leica M9 | 24 Summilux
On our way up to Kansas City. I drove about 4 miles past then and just knew that I had to turn around and shoot it. Blessings. Jason
Leica M9 | 50 Summilux
The next couple of days posts will be from my time in Kansas City over the week between Christmas & New Years. Here are honestly some of the cutest kids in the world who happen to belong to a couple of my good friends Jason & Allison Domingues :) They were gracious enough to let Jen and myself stay for a couple days and it was so refreshing to be with them.Here are a couple from an afternoon of Mario Kart Wii. It was so funny to see how competitive two kids under 10 are.... Then I got on the controller and started talking smack to a 7 year old. I may have beaten my fist against my chest when I beat her. She finished 12th. I finished 11th.
I guess some things don't change with age.
Blessings. Jason
Leica M9 | 24 Summilux
Leica M9 | 24 Summilux
You should have seen me on the floor laying down getting this :)
Leica M9 | 24 Summilux
Leica M9 | 24 Summilux
Calen's signature move...
Leica M9 | 24 Summilux
I guess the title says it all... Oh to be a kid... Blessings. Jason
Leica M9 | 24mm Summilux
My good friend Jamie & I were on a bit of a road trip a couple of weeks ago and ran into Mr. Aaron. We talked for almost 30 minutes about the soil, growing tomato plant (he actually gave me one to take home), and his hat that he bought over 30 years ago for $4.... Blessings. Jason
Leica M9 | 24mm Summilux
Leica M9 | 24mm Summilux
Leica M9 | 24mm Summilux