31 days of personal work....

That's exactly what the next 31 days will be (including today). I have a ton of images that I shot last summer while traveling that I have really been wanting to share, but just haven't had the time to do it. I thought that by posting an image a day for the month of July, it would allow an opportunity for me to be able to share these images (as well as be inspired to get out and shoot this summer). Every day I will be posting a single image from my trip. Rather than having a story or "tag line" with each image, I am just going to let each image speak for itself. Feel free to send me an email if you have any questions about any of them. Also these are all available as prints.

I look forward to finally being able to share images that hardly anyone has seen and I hope that you enjoy them as much as I enjoy sharing them.

Here is the first one...

Blessings. Jason

A Night of Relief - 2504 Creative

This is something that we have been planning for a little bit and am excited to be able to share... As many may know I am fortunate enough to be able to share my office with two of Lafayette's brightest young minds, Valerie Woerner of Southern Fete & Daniel Kedinger of Crucé Design. We have been dreaming up a night to be able to gather some of our closest friends as well as raise some money for a couple good causes. This is all coming together June 28th from 6-8pm where we will be serving up some Café Cohen as well as taking donations for some great organizations/causes (a photo booth will be involved as well :).

Below is the information for the event or you can view it here on the Facebook event page.

I hope that you can come out to join us as we raise money for some friends and neighbors (some a little further than others).

Blessings. Jason





Abby Kedinger - 2 weeks

My good friends, Anna & Daniel Kedinger, just had their second bby and I had the chance to photograph her earlier this week. Just wanted to share a few images.

My two favorite images are first....

Blessings. Jason